Tuesday 4 October 2011


We are making an opening sequence for a thriller film for a practise project for AS media. Before we film the opening sequence we are going to plan every detail of the film. We are going to make a storyboard, shooting sequence, plan who will be in the film and what each character will be wearing, the location of the filming, the title of the film, the target age group of the film, the genre, camera shots, possible shooting problems, and finally we will film, and then write our evaluation. In our film we will use different camera shots such as Long shots, Close up shots, Crosscutting shots, Jump shots, Extreme close ups, over the shoulder shots and Eyeline match shots. We will get a soundtrack to put over the filming to create the suspense in the film, and then when we've finished the film we will write the evaluation to talk about what we did well and what we weren't happy about with the filming and planning.

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