Thursday 6 October 2011

Our Story Board.

We are filming our thriller down a alley way. We feel that this is a good idea because you get a good feel of the atmosphere that we are trying to create.
It will be easy to film down a alley way as there is plenty of room to more and try different angle shots out.
It is also a typical stereotypical sence. The audience will imdently interact with wht is going to happen or what is going to happen.

In the first camera shot we are doing a CLOSE UP shot from behind the first character. We are following the characters footsteps from behind her. We thought it would be a good idea not to revel who the character is to cause tension.

The second camera shot is once again a CLOSE UP shot from behind the second character. Like the first shot we are filming from behind the character and following their footsteps.

We keep CROSS-CUTTING for about four shots. Each shot last between 10 to 20 seconds.

The third shot is a CLOSE UP shot from behind the one of the characters feet (But you can see the other characters feet, so its like a OVER THE SHOULDERS SHOT but the camera is aimed at the  feet instead.) to show them approaching each other.

The fourth shot shows that they are approaching each other. Whilst this is happening the camera is tracking up each of their bodies but not showing their identity. This builds up tension  for the audience as they don't know what is going to happen or what has happened.

The fifth shot is a OVER THE SHOULDER SHOT; both characters have hoods up so yet again it doesn't show their identity. An OVER SHOULDER SHOT is a good shot to use as it shows the first characters POINT OF VIEW.

In the Sixth shot someone raises a gun.
But we don't know which one of the characters has raised it.

In the seventh shot there is an EXCHANGE OF DIALOGUE:
Character one: " Why did you do this too me?
Character Two: "Its too late"
This causes tension because we don't know what has happened between the characters. But will we find out?

In the eighth shot the gun appears again but this time the gun is pulled, but as an audience we don't know who has pulled it so it causes mystery.

 In the ninth shot there is a BLACK OUT, then a BANG followed by a scream.
By having a blackout it causes tension as the audience doesn't know what has happened, or who has died & if they have died?

In the tenth shot there is a picture of a black bag being dragged through the dirt...but who's body is it?
The camera is following the bag but yet again we don't know who is dragging the bag.

In the eleventh shot we do a JUMP SHOT (Causes tension as it takes the spot light of what just happened) to a mystery woman stood in a window looking out at what just happened. She is holding a phone in her hand and says "Police please!" but she says it in a sarcastic way... like she knows something.  

In the twelfth shot the woman that was standing in the window has now turned around (Slowly) and smiles at the camera. This causes tension as the audience really doesn't know what is happening.

          THE END. 

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