Thursday 20 October 2011

Title of film

The title of our film is going to be ' Femme Fatale ' We decided to choose this as it has a number of connotations. It could mean a female assassin which links in with our story line. It could also mean somebody who lures men, which could be a twist in the story.

Film classification

Uc & U Classification
A ‘U’ film is suitable for audiences aged four years and over. U films should offer reassuring counterbalances to any violence, threat or horror that may be involved.
Videos classified 'Uc' are particularly suitable for pre-school children and normally raise no issues of concern.
PG Classification
'PG' - 'Parental Guidance'
PG rated film is suitable for general viewing, however some scenes may be found unsuitable for young children. The parent should decide whether a PG film is suitable and will not upset their child in particular.
12A Classification
12A rated films may be viewed by persons under the age of 12 but must be accompanied by an adult (in cinemas only). If the film is viewed in viewers own home, it is the parents decision whether or not to accompany thhe child.
12 Classification
No persons under the age of 12 can view a 12 rated film. Applies in cinemas, at home and to buying/renting DVDs with a 12 rating.
15 Classification
No persons under the age of 15 can view a 15 rated film. Applies in cinemas, at home and to buying/renting DVDs with a 15 rating.
18 Classification
No persons under the age of 15 can view a 18 rated film. Applies in cinemas, at home and to buying/renting DVDs with a 18 rating.
R18 Classification
For adults only.
May only be shown at licensed cinemas or sold at sex shops, and only to people aged 18 or over.

Our film age is going to be a 15. We feel that this is a good age as it contains violence and we wouldnt want to influence young children. Our group are all around the age of 16 and would be interested in the story line but not scared.                                                      

Tuesday 18 October 2011


Our first location is going to be a woodland allyeway. By having an alleyway it sets the scene and casused tension with the audience as they know something bad is going to happen. Alleyways are a common setting of thriller based films and are a very stereotypical place to base a thriller due to it being a dark, cold and lonley place. We thought that it would be a good idea to film down a dark alleyway as it will give of a good impression. By having a scary opening to a film it will intreage the audience.

Film actors & Costumes

In every film the actors need to look 'The Part'. As our thriller is based on a mystery killer we dont want people to see anyones faces apart from the woman at the end. Our characters need to look partly the same as it wont give away who killed who. But on the other hand they cant look completely the same.

Our first character; Linzi (Killer)
 She will be wearing grey hoody (With the hood up), a plain top on underneath(just showing) Dark trousers; either jeans or leggins with boots on her feet (any colour) as she is the killer she will be wearing gloves to cover up any finger prints on the gun. We will make sure that we can not see her face due to her being the killer.

                                       Our second character: Izzy (Victim)

Izzy will be wearing almost the same as linzi is as she is the victim in our thriller. She will be wearing a grey hoody (Like Linzi) but with a red body warmer on (We have chosen this as it will still look like she has a grey hoody on when the arm of the gun appears - noone will know who it was that got shot) she will be wearing black leggins or jean, and a grey pair of boots.

 Our third cahracter: Deanna

Deanna isnt in the film opening very long as she is the woman that watches what happens through her window. You can only see half of her, so she will be wearing a plain top with a brown cardigan over the top of her. You can also see the top of her jeans which are blue.

                                                          Character one's clothing: LINZI

Linzi will be wearing all of these pieces of clothing. She is also wearing gloves.

Character two's chlothing: IZZY

 Izzy will be wearing all of these pieces of clothing. The red jacket is to make sure that her and Linzi dont look identical.

Character three's clothing: DEANNA

This is the whole of Deanna's outfit as we can't really see much of her.


No matter how long any film/opening is there will always be at least one prop. Props help every film describe what they are doing. Without props film wouldn't be the same. Props are probably one of the most needed things for a film.

Our props: 

One: Gun - This will be for the shooting scene.

Two: Black Bag- This is to show that one of the characters has put the body in a bag.

Three: Gloves- These are to hide the identity of the killer.

Four: Pillows- These are to stuff up the black bag to make it look like a body has been placed in it.

Five: Phone- This is for the mystery woman to call the police.

Possible Shooting Problems

In every film there is shooting problems and no doubt we will have a few problems.

Shooting Problems:

Natural Light: As we a filming in the night there wont be many problems but it will start getting darker so  this will result in to some of the filming wont be the same and it wont look realistic.

Weather conditions:  The weather may affect our filming as we may be filming over a different amount of days. One day it may be sunny and then another night it could be raining. This will affect our filming because the weather would have changed. It would look un-professional due to the weather.

Producing the same shot:   Producing the same shot may go wrong as people feet may not go in time. in order to make the shot look real we need to take duplicate shots.

Tuesday 11 October 2011

Shooting schedule

To complete our media production we had to make a shooting schedule ready for our shooting day. In this schedule it includes: the frame numbers, shot description, location, date, required time to shoot, actors and props that are needed.
Below i have inserted a shooting schedule that I have made.
